domingo, 27 de junio de 2010

What a dream!!!!

Have you ever heard something about “50 first dates”? This is one of my favourites movies. First, because it’s about a beauty love story. Two, cuz it happens in Hawaii, a dreamed place for me. Three, and the most important reason, is because the protagonist is a vet. Since I saw this movie, I knew that my dream was this... Go to Hawaii and be the best vet ever in this place!!
Adam Sandler (Henry Roth in the movie) is an arctic marine fauna vet! And his dream was travel in boat to Alaska to study the submarine life of walruses!!
Something like that is my dreamed job, but I think that I could be happy just working in an aquarium in Hawaii! I really hate to work inside an office, because I think that our job needs to be connected with the nature.

But, in the other hand, I think that being a small animal’s vet I could help much more, because I know how complicated is not having enough money to take our pets to the vet.... and how sad it’s. Well, when people say that there are many vets in this area, I think that is not a problem. Doesn’t matter if there are thousands more doing the same work, the important thing it's making a difference, being the best and never forget the reason why one day you decided to start studying this, the love for animals and worry about the access to the owners too!

Movie trailer--->

jueves, 17 de junio de 2010

Zoology...the best subject!!!!

When I was in my first career, I used to love the aesthetics subject, totally different of my favourite subject now...
I think changes are good, and my preferences changed too! From letters to animals, that’s a crazy thing! From aesthetics to zoology, a big big big crazy thing! Zoology is a really beatiful subject, because is the first approximation to animals that we have (in theory, because we have to practise too!).
But I don’t love only zoology, but also I love the zoology laboratory. Sadly, the laboratory is finished now, but it was a nice experience!! In classes the professor was teaching about an animal, and then –in laboratory- we could look closely n recognize the parts!
If I had to explain in 2 reasons why I love this subject, I would say that:
1. This one is nearer than other subjects to animals, I love this. If I’m studying Vet, I don’t know why math is so important. I know that we all have to be complete persons, but is very frustrating when a subject that I can’t undertand easily is “cutting my wings”. Well, when I’m reading about an animal, I feel so happy, cuz it make me remember why I wish to be a great vet! Don’t matter if a get good or bad marks, what matters is if I’m happy or not... and in this moment I’m so happy =)!!!
2. The second reason is that I love to learn new things. With the rest of the subjects we can learn too, but isn’t the same! For example, chemistry is a school subject too, and with math happens the same!

Finally, those are the reasons why I love zoology... but if I could say something more, I would say that I love english too, and I can say this just in 3 words...200 is too much!!!

domingo, 6 de junio de 2010

The dog whisperer

I’m sure this isn’t the most creative option, but I really love this person and his work. I’m talkin’ about Cesar Millan, who’s called “the dog whisperer” because his TV program.

Millan is a professional dog trainer, which found a real rehab for very agressive dogs.

The person that I chose was born in 1969, in Mexico. He was so lucky to grow up in a farm. Sometimes I think that I was lucky too, because I also grew in the field.

Cesar observed closely the behavior of dogs in a natural environment, and that was a really nice gift, because the childhood is the most important thing in the life of a person (I think). Well, grow up surrounded by dogs is something beautiful =)

On his TV program, Millan tries to solve problems of agressive dogs, and teaches the families about this. Sometimes the problem isn’t of the dog, but of his owner. We have to understand that dogs aren’t people. Is nice when the people love animals, but is bad when they forget that dogs are animals. Some problems we can see in this program, is –for example- when the pet doesn’t notice the owner’s order! Well, in few meetings Millan found the rehab =)


"No dog is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate dogs, I train people. I am the dog whisperer." (Millan)