domingo, 27 de junio de 2010

What a dream!!!!

Have you ever heard something about “50 first dates”? This is one of my favourites movies. First, because it’s about a beauty love story. Two, cuz it happens in Hawaii, a dreamed place for me. Three, and the most important reason, is because the protagonist is a vet. Since I saw this movie, I knew that my dream was this... Go to Hawaii and be the best vet ever in this place!!
Adam Sandler (Henry Roth in the movie) is an arctic marine fauna vet! And his dream was travel in boat to Alaska to study the submarine life of walruses!!
Something like that is my dreamed job, but I think that I could be happy just working in an aquarium in Hawaii! I really hate to work inside an office, because I think that our job needs to be connected with the nature.

But, in the other hand, I think that being a small animal’s vet I could help much more, because I know how complicated is not having enough money to take our pets to the vet.... and how sad it’s. Well, when people say that there are many vets in this area, I think that is not a problem. Doesn’t matter if there are thousands more doing the same work, the important thing it's making a difference, being the best and never forget the reason why one day you decided to start studying this, the love for animals and worry about the access to the owners too!

Movie trailer--->

7 comentarios:

  1. I hope that your dream comes true... so one day you could invite us to your house in Hawaii

  2. ooooo Cami is very tender =D
    and is area of veterinary medicine very nice
    a hug

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. Great job Cami.
    I really like 50 first dates too.
    I hope that youre will happy doing your ideal job and I also hope that youre receive me when I'll visit you jiji. You could visit me in Borneo too.
    see you.

  5. 50 first dates is a funny movie :e!

    hope you can go to hawaaaaaaaaaaims !
    te quierrrrrrrrrroms :L XD
    take care girl :)

  6. Have you ever heard something about “50 first dates”? This is one of my favourites movies. First, because it’s about a beauty love story. Two, cuz it happens in Hawaii, a dreamed place for me. Three, and the most important reason, is because the protagonist is a vet. Since I saw this movie, I knew that my dream was this... Go to Hawaii and be the best vet ever in this place!!
    Adam Sandler (Henry Roth in the movie) is an arctic marine fauna vet! And his dream was WF travel in boat to Alaska to study the submarine life of walruses!!
    Something like that is my dreamed job, but I think that I could be happy just working in an aquarium in Hawaii! I really hate to work inside an office, because I think that our job needs to be connected with the nature.

    But, WW in the other hand, I think that being a small animal’s vet I could help much more, because I know how complicated is not having enough money to take our pets to the vet.... and how sad it’s. Well, when people say that there are many vets in this area, I think that is not a problem. ^ Doesn’t matter if there are thousands more doing the same work, the important thing it's making a difference, being the best and never forget the reason why one day you decided to start studying this, the love for animals and worry about the access to the owners too!

    honestly I haven't seen the movie for one reason: i hate Adam Sandler!!! BUT I think t sounds like an ideal job indeed!

  7. Nooooooooooo Miss!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Adam Sandler is great!!!! He makes me laugh a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
