domingo, 6 de junio de 2010

The dog whisperer

I’m sure this isn’t the most creative option, but I really love this person and his work. I’m talkin’ about Cesar Millan, who’s called “the dog whisperer” because his TV program.

Millan is a professional dog trainer, which found a real rehab for very agressive dogs.

The person that I chose was born in 1969, in Mexico. He was so lucky to grow up in a farm. Sometimes I think that I was lucky too, because I also grew in the field.

Cesar observed closely the behavior of dogs in a natural environment, and that was a really nice gift, because the childhood is the most important thing in the life of a person (I think). Well, grow up surrounded by dogs is something beautiful =)

On his TV program, Millan tries to solve problems of agressive dogs, and teaches the families about this. Sometimes the problem isn’t of the dog, but of his owner. We have to understand that dogs aren’t people. Is nice when the people love animals, but is bad when they forget that dogs are animals. Some problems we can see in this program, is –for example- when the pet doesn’t notice the owner’s order! Well, in few meetings Millan found the rehab =)


"No dog is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate dogs, I train people. I am the dog whisperer." (Millan)

7 comentarios:

  1. good choice Cami... I think that he is a great person

  2. I sometimes need the dog whisperer because mi dog go crazy very often. =D

    see you Cami

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. hi camii!! ohh I love the dog wisherer too.. i wish he was here to train my dog! xD

  5. He is the real, not like the chilean imitation xDD

  6. I’m sure this isn’t the most creative option, but I really love this person and his work. I’m talkin’ about Cesar Millan, who’s called “the dog whisperer” because his TV program.
    Millan is a professional dog trainer, which found a real rehab for very agressive dogs.
    The person that I chose was born in 1969, in Mexico. He was so lucky to grow up in a farm. Sometimes I think that I was lucky too, because I also grew in the field.
    Cesar observed closely the behavior of dogs in a natural environment, and that was a really nice gift, because the childhood is the most important thing in the life of a person (I think). Well, grow up surrounded by dogs is something beautiful =)
    On his TV program, Millan tries to solve problems of agressive dogs, and teaches the families about this. Sometimes the problem isn’t of the dog, but of his owner. We have to understand that dogs aren’t people. ^ Is nice when the people love animals, but is bad when they forget that dogs are animals. Some problems we can see in this program, is –for example- when the pet doesn’t notice the owner’s WW order! Well, in few meetings Millan found the rehab =)
    "No dog is too much for me to handle. I rehabilitate dogs, I train people. I am the dog whisperer." (Millan)

    well done! We checked Cesar Millan in Beginner course so if you wanna come you're invited!
    I hate when people treat dogs like children!

  7. jajaja we choose the same person
    i love him
    i would like to be like him
    and like javi said
    i would like to that he were here to trained my bad dog that eat everything that the can put in their mouth
